


About University of Technology Sydney

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) 是澳大利亚最大和最知名的高等教育机构之一吗. Established over 30 years ago, the university hosts more than 40,000 students, covering a range of subjects from architecture to business, communication to engineering, and IT to nursing.

Peter Degotardi是网络安全经理,Graham Allen担任高级IT安全官. 他们的团队的任务是安全管理数以万计的员工和学生, approximately 3,000 servers, 5,500 desktops across all major operating systems, and 60,000 IP addresses. 为了帮助解决这个问题,在数据中心和互联网网关有多个防火墙层.


就像他们在全球教育机构的同行一样, Allen和Degotardi不得不应对越来越多的网络威胁. 大学越来越多地成为有经济动机的网络罪犯的目标 with ransomware and phishing attacks designed to steal PII from staff and students. But they’re also coming under greater scrutiny from state-sponsored hackers, keen to steal ground-breaking research to boost R&D efforts back home. According to Degotardi, UTS的目标是从一个被动的安全组织转变为一个更主动的安全组织.

To help achieve this transformation, Degotardi热衷于更新UTS现有的漏洞管理和SIEM解决方案,以推动改进的可见性和控制. With this change, 他们希望在问题升级为大问题之前加以解决, 并确定可以改进安全性的领域,以减少IT安全团队的总体工作量.


UTS chose Rapid7 for InsightVM 因为其优越的报告、用户界面和漏洞检测. 该产品的“美妙”仪表盘受到了艾伦的广泛赞誉, 帮助改进安全团队之间以及与系统管理员之间的沟通. 到目前为止,反馈是积极的,最终目标是所有IT涉众很快都能访问 dashboards relevant to their role.

Using the same agent as InsightVM, insighttidr解决方案也使UTS团队受益,因为它易于部署, 同时,它的功率和速度也吸引了人们的目光——节省了IT时间,并有助于更有效地降低风险.

Why InsightVM?

“The dashboards are a really good snapshot in time. Let's have a look, drill down into that, and you can just keep clicking and drilling into stuff,” he says.

产品的资产关键性标签尤其有助于提高IT团队的效率, 确保他们对大学的关键任务系统和应用程序有一个单一的窗格视图, and whether any outstanding patches need applying.

Insight Agent也为UTS团队带来了巨大的好处, 特别是它易于安装部署,并且不需要首先对运行它的每个系统进行身份验证.

代理现在被推出到任何正在运行的新服务器上. And it's the pre-configured agent, which makes life a lot easier from a sysadmin perspective, because they just deploy the package, and it's done,” explains Allen. “I'd say from the sysadmin team's perspective, it's a lot easier, and they're a lot more comfortable with it now, because pretty much once the system gets spun up: bang. 代理正在与收集器进行通信,一切正常.”

One-of-a-kind SIEM

“锦囊妙计”是insighttidr不同于市场上的其他产品, in being a full SaaS-based SIEM platform, according to Allen.

“That was one of the attractive things, 不需要修补和更新它,不需要照顾它,不需要做其他让人痛苦的事情,” he adds. “Having that capability was great.”

Even better, UTS在短短几个小时内就启动并运行了insighttidr,并提供了该机构以前根本没有的威胁可见性. 他认为定制解析器可以进一步节省时间,提高IT生产力,“工作起来就像做梦一样”,,使它们能够摄取和关联不同的数据源. Allen和他的团队还可以对与安全事件相关的用户进行简单搜索,并在一个屏幕上查看他们需要的所有信息, in a single click. 他称赞了产品本身的速度:只花了5分钟就筛选了4亿个事件.


The personal touch

Together, the Rapid7 solutions, 包括新添加的应用程序安全测试解决方案, AppSpider, have helped to enhance productivity, cut overheads, 并推动UTS IT安全团队的可见性和控制. 以用户为中心的方法意味着Allen和他的同事可以花更多的时间去做, and less time getting ramped up.

“这种以用户为中心的方法而不是技术方法是很好的,它使人们更容易访问它,” he says.

On top of this, 他们已经设法减少了每天需要审核的门票数量, 节省时间并帮助小团队专注于最高优先级的任务. Insight Agent在部署和持续管理上节省了更多宝贵的时间.

So, what about the Rapid7 team? 艾伦很高兴澳大利亚有面向本地客户的支持, to avoid late night or early morning phone calls to the US.

“每隔几周、每隔几个月就有人跟你聊聊,感觉很好. 这就是我们如何成为insighttidr和AppSpider的客户——纯粹是通过这些互动,” he concludes. “So, whatever our account manager is doing, keep it up, 因为这是非常重要的个人接触.”